The first housing offices were created in 1969, following the creation of the Société d’habitation du Québec in 1967. It was on August 23, 1979, that the Office municipal d’habitation de Laval obtained its letters patent and began operations. A few months later, in 1980, the Office municipal d’habitation de Laval was already making available to individuals and low-income households 676 low-rental housing units (HLM):
In 1994, the federal government ended its social housing programs, including public low-rental housing (HLM). The real estate portfolio of Office municipal d’habitation de Laval then included 1,120 low-rental housing units. Following the withdrawal of the federal government, the government of Quebec set up, from 1996, various programs for the construction of social housing and for the promotion of social diversity: the Achat-Rénovation program, replaced by the AccèsLogis Québec program and the Logement Abordable Québec program. The government has also set up the rent supplement program (PSL).
Since 2002, the Office municipal d'habitation de Laval has taken advantage of the programs in force to build new housing.
The housing stock (hyperlink to the housing stockk page) of the Office municipal d'habitation de Laval now has almost 3,200 subsidized housing units:
Since its creation in 1979, the Office municipal d’habitation de Laval has also seen its role evolve, moving from building manager to building manager developing related services and activities to improve the living environment of its tenants. The Office municipal d’habitation de Laval has today, to meet the growing needs of its clientele, out of nearly 70 employees, working in the services of general management, living environment, technical, development and finance and administration.
Provide social and affordable quality housing, develop our housing portfolio in an effort to better meet the needs of citizens and ensure safe, inclusive, stimulating and friendly living environment, in order to improve concretely the quality of life of the people living there.
Organization resolutely open to others in all their differences and welcoming new ideas, we play a key role in consultation of the living forces working in the development and deployment of services for citizens in precarious situations. Known and recognized in Laval, we are developing, with our partners, a concerted and coherent vision of social and affordable housing for the Laval territory with the aim of carrying out structuring housing projects that have a significant impact on life of our tenants.
Integrity is the basis of constructive, harmonious and sustainable relationships. At all times we act in a transparent, honest and fair way to our customers, our partners and each of the members making up our team.
Integrity breeds credibility.
Beyond the actions taken daily we aim for overtaking. Expectations and needs evolve rapidly and we must find tailored solutions that require we prove initiative, creativity and innovation, thus allowing optimal response.
We want to be better each day.
Our commitment to our mission and our organization is unwavering. Everyday we act in all good faith and in all circumstances defend the interests and the reputation of the Office.
We let's go until the end of our projects.
Recognition is at core of our values since everyone's contribution is necessary for the purpose of achieving our vision. We put forward the contribution of our tenants, employees and partners, stimulating and thus strengthening the mobilization of all towards common objectives.
We know that we will go further by uniting our efforts.
The Office municipal d’habitation de Laval has several governance mechanisms that allow it to carry out its mission. The different governance committees also ensure that the operations of the Office municipal d 'habitation de Laval comply with the expectations and requirements set out and imposed by the various laws governing it.
The Board of Directors is the decision-making body of the Office municipal d’habitation de Laval. It establishes the main orientations, determines the objectives and priorities and assesses the results. The Board of Directors meets monthly and is made up of ten (10) members:
The Audit Committee examines and assesses the internal control procedures. It also ensures financial transparency and the verification of process of preparing and producing financial statements. The Audit Committee also plays an advisory role to General Management and to the Finance and Administration Service. The Audit Committee is made up of 3 members of the Board of Directors appointed by the latter.
For the habitation Louise-Beauchamp, an evaluation committee meets with applicants in order to assess their autonomy in relation to services offered and forwards its recommendations to the Selection Committee. The Evaluation Committee is composed of two members:
The Applicant Selection Committee reviews the applications in accordance with the Regulation on the allocation of low-income housing units. It is made up of 3 members:
The Human Resources Committee supports general management and the human resources team to ensure that the Office municipal d'habitation de Laval remains an employer of choice for all of its employees.
The Human Resources Committee is made up of three members appointed by the Board of Directors and of the general management.
After celebrating its fortieth anniversary in 2019, the Office municipal d'habitation de Laval took advantage of 2020, together with its tenants, employees and partners, to adopt a strategic plan establishing the trajectory to follow over the next four years and specifying the role to play in the community working in the social and affordable housing sector in Laval.
The objectives are ambitious and the challenges will be numerous; but we are confident that all together we will achieve this strategic plan!
Our principles of action accompany our values, which together will color each of our actions:
After celebrating our 40th anniversary in 2019 and presenting a 2021-2024 strategic plan in 2020, the next logical step was the presentation of a first annual report!
Upheavals related to Covid-19 oblige, this annual report will exceptionally cover the years 2020 and 2021...
Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Laval
Centre de services scolaires de Laval
Commission scolaire Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier
Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion
Société canadienne d’hypothèques et de logement (SCHL)
Tribunal administratif du logement
Fédération des coopératives d’habitation intermunicipale du Montréal métropolitain
Fédération des locataires d’habitations à loyer modique du Québec (FLHLMQ)